Search results for query: Floob (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Best MAME .dat/xml filter tool?

Hi, I often want to customise the list of romsets that are in a certain release. For example take out all the Mahjong and lightgun games etc.. I fin ...
EmuChat Floob 05/08/16 12:56 PM
. Re: MAME/MESS - Official GLSL shader support?

Do you think HLSL will be on the way out?
EmuChat Floob 05/13/15 10:21 PM
. Re: Anyone used HLSL with MAME?

> > Shame the author isnt developing it any more. > > What, the INI files, or the HLSL system in general? The INI files, there are stil ...
EmuChat Floob 05/06/15 10:14 PM
. Anyone used HLSL with MAME?

Hi, Has anyone used these ini files to configure HLSL? They seem pretty good to me - a gre ...
EmuChat Floob 05/05/15 10:00 PM

Search results for query: Floob (1 - 4 of 4)
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