Search results for query: Brain Breaker (1 - 5 of 5)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Friday (UPL, 1983) - screenshots found (undumped game)

> Those pictures look familiar to me, although I am used to seeing them in color. They > are on the flyer for "Burble". Falcon must ha ...
EmuChat Brain Breaker 03/12/16 05:19 AM
. Re: Namennayo (Cat's, 1982) - undumped and unknown outside Japan?

By the way, I just noticed that you have it listed as a hack of Zippy Race. Is that true? I've seen some discussion of this on Japanese boards, and th ...
EmuChat Brain Breaker 03/12/16 01:19 AM
. Re: Namennayo (Cat's, 1982) - undumped and unknown outside Japan?

> > seems to be MIA on any of the western undumped/unmamed lists, so I thought I'd post > about > > it here. > > oh really? Page ...
EmuChat Brain Breaker 03/12/16 01:15 AM
. Namennayo (Cat's, 1982) - undumped and unknown outside Japan?

I may be missing something here, but while searching around recently, I realized that this undumped game (which has been known about for quite a while ...
EmuChat Brain Breaker 03/12/16 12:11 AM
. Friday (UPL, 1983) - screenshots found (undumped game)

Hi everyone, I recently came across a few screenshots of this undumped game in an early Japanese game magazine (AM Life), and thought it might be wor ...
EmuChat Brain Breaker 03/11/16 11:49 PM

Search results for query: Brain Breaker (1 - 5 of 5)
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